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Для наиболее точного определения Вашего уровня английского языка, просим Вас заполнить следующие анкетные данные о себе:

General English Placement test

For the questions below, please choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation.

1. Can I park here?

2. What colour will you paint the children's bedroom?

3. I can't understand this email.

4. I'd like two tickets for tomorrow night.

5. Shall we go to the gym now?

6. His eyes were ...... bad that he couldn't read the number plate of the car in front.

7. The company needs to decide ...... and for all what its position is on this point.

8. Don't put your cup on the ...... of the table – someone will knock it off.

9. I'm sorry - I didn't ...... to disturb you.

10. The singer ended the concert ...... her most popular song.

11. Would you mind ...... these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard?

12. I was looking forward ...... at the new restaurant, but it was closed.

13. ...... tired Melissa is when she gets home from work, she always makes time to say goodnight to the children.

14. It was only ten days ago ...... she started her new job.

15. The shop didn't have the shoes I wanted, but they've ...... a pair specially for me.

16. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you ...... to leave?

17. She came to live here ...... a month ago.

18. Once the plane is in the air, you can ...... your seat belts if you wish.

19. I left my last job because I had no ...... to travel.

20. It wasn't a bad crash and ...... damage was done to my car.

21. I'd rather you ...... to her why we can't go.

22. Before making a decision, the leader considered all ...... of the argument.

23. This new printer is recommended as being ...... reliable.

24. When I realised I had dropped my gloves, I decided to ...... my steps.

25. Anne's house is somewhere in the ...... of the railway station.

1. Где вы обучались английскому языку?

В общеобразовательной школе
В школе с углубленным обучением английского языка (КТЛ, НИШ)
В университете
На языковых курсах
Онлайн платформах (SkyEng, Lingvo Leo)
Я не обучался английскому языку

2. По Вашему мнению, каким уровнем английского языка вы владеете?

Beginner (A1)
Elementary (A2)
Pre-Intermediate (B1)
Intermediate (B1+)
Upper Intermediate (B2)
Advanced (C1)
Proficiency (C2)

3. Какова Ваша основная причина для изучения английского языка?

Повысить свои шансы получить хорошую работу.
Иметь возможность работать за границей.
Сдать международные экзамены (IELTS, TOEFL и т. Д.)
Подать заявку в университет по своему выбору по всему миру
Уметь общаться на корпоративном уровне. Проводить переговоры и презентации.
Путешествовать в любую точку мира и с легкостью общаться с местными жителями
Для личностного роста. Уметь общаться на бытовые темы с иностранцами
Другая причина

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